Thursday, March 22, 2012

Glass Fruit Repair

Not all the "projects" on my list are difficult, they just need to be done. This was one of them. I received these fruits as a house warming gift when I moved into my first house. Not long after, the tops of them came off. I have been putting off fixing them, but this seemed like the perfect project to do when I really felt like doing nothing.

I found this amazing adhesive while working on another project. It's just as strong as super glue, but you have a much longer work time with it. Of course that means it takes longer to set, but for projects like this, it's not a big deal. Another bonus, it doesn't stick to your fingers, nor does it leave a white residue. You simply rub your hands together, and the adhesive comes off.

It's readily available at any craft store. So worth the $8.00.

This is what I ended up with after letting the fruit set overnight. Definite improvement I would say.

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