Sunday, February 19, 2012

Fuzzy Furry Hooded Vest

I can think of no better project to knock off my list on this cold rainy Saturday then to make this vest. I've been eyeing this for a few months now, and decided today would be the day it got done.

I found the lining fabric about four years ago and was just waiting for the right project. The fur was a new purchase for this particular vest.

I'm still a novice when it comes to sewing, but to be able to start and finish this in one day was quite an accomplishment for me. The pattern I used was for a regular jacket, so I had to modify it to make it a vest.

Since the pattern wasn't exact, there was definitely a learning curve. The pattern also didn't call for a lining, so that was another obstacle I had to overcome. One thing to remember, when you're making a vest with a lining, you want to sew the arm holes before you do the side seam. I didn't and couldn't figure out why I couldn't get to the arm holes. For the hood, you want to sew that right sides of the outer fabric/right sides of lining fabric together. That's with the hood inside to where you're working with the wrong sides of the lining.

If it hadn't been for these learning curves, it probably would have only taken half a day to do this.

Oh and one more tip, the fur will shed EVERYWHERE! Make sure you cut with the grain, and when all the pieces are cut, stick them in the dryer. Make sure the setting is on cool, (DO NOT WASH, that will ruin the fabric) this will get rid of all the fuzzies.

I hope you can get some inspiration from this, and don't forget, I am always more than willing to make custom orders for you.

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